The Green Law Office in Spokane, Washington helps clients restore their right to possess a firearm when poor decisions long ago now affect their right to have and use a gun. For those who already can and do own and use firearms, but want to protect their guns for themselves and their families, or utilize some of the advantages of current gun laws, the Green Law Office advises clients and drafts comprehensive gun trusts for the legal purchase and transfer of NFA guns and suppressors / silencers.
The laws of the State of Washington, specifically RCW 9.41.040 and RCW 9.41.047 specifically allow for a person whose gun rights have been taken away to petition the court for restoration of the right to possess a firearm. If a person has been convicted of a felony in Washington – or a crime in another state that is equivalent to a felony in Washington – then that person can petition the court for restoration of their rights after being in the community without criminal convictions for a period of five years. If a misdemeanor crime resulted in the loss of your gun rights, then three years in the community without conviction is the requirement. A person must have completed all the terms of any sentence imposed, and the crime(s) committed cannot have been a sex crime or a Class A felony. Otherwise, the law allows for restoration of the right to possess a firearm. The process involves the specific pleading of the requirements, filing of the proper pleadings, proper notice and service on the state through the proper agent, and attendance at a hearing for determination on the merits. An experienced gun rights attorney can navigate the procedural maze for you, and often times avoid the necessity of a hearing all together.
For those who are able to purchase and possess firearms, some wish to form a trust for the management of their gun collection. There are numerous reasons to set up a gun trust. A trust can assist with protection of family assets and estate planning. Current federal gun laws also allow for National Firearms Act (“NFA”) guns, including suppressors, or silencers, to be acquired through a streamlined process when done through a legally established trust. A well drafted gun trust addresses a large number of specific firearms laws and details surrounding the transfer of specific restricted guns to ensure that the Grantor, the Trustee(s) and the Beneficiaries are always acting within the law. Do not take the risk of using a basic online form, or a standard revocable trust document for your NFA gun trust. Contact the Green Law Office to make sure your NFA gun trust is properly drafted and provides the protection you need.